Lobby & Foyer (2014)
This was the Lorraine Foundation's first major restoration project. Mold and mildew had taken over, requiring chemical remediation and complete cleanout. Paint colors were chosen to brighten the space and more closely match the original theming.

Balcony Celling Repair (2015)
Due to roof leaks and temperature fluctuations during the theater's closure, a portion of balcony ceiling had collapsed. This is the initial repair. The scaffolding was dismantled and the wood later used on other projects.

Auditorium Phases 1-4 (2016)
Like the Lobby & Foyer, mold and mildew had taken over the auditorium during the theater's closure. Chemical mold remediation and a complete gutting of the auditorium was required. A "Last Call" open house was held on May 14th, 2016 that gave locals one last chance to see the auditorium as it had been for 80+ years. During this project original designs and paintings the existing before the 1937 remodel were uncovered.
Phase One - Removal of moisture ruined sound panels. Stage curtains stored away for future refurbishment.

Phase Two - Rebuilding of step down soffits and center "spine"

Phase Three - Paint and sealing of all surfaces.

Phase Four - Refurbishment of Booth arches that were discovered during the sound panel removal.